I posed this question to the internets last week, and got very little response. At first, I thought the lack of response might’ve been because we don’t have the huge presence other sites might have. Then, I thought maybe it’s because people want the Chargers to stay and that’s the end of it. What I finally concluded was that people didn’t know how to answer the question, and I can’t fault that.
The Spanos family can put an end to all of this. They have the power to stop this nonsense, and they continue to drag the circus from town to town hoping to convince you that they are the real victims. They are suffering. They want to stay in San Diego, but the city leaders won’t do everything they want!
(fold arms, stick out lower lip)
The Spanos family is rich. Extremely wealthy. You kind of have to be to own an NFL franchise. Yet, all this nonsense is because the rich want to get richer. That’s it. THERE IS NO OTHER REASON. None. A new stadium means new revenue from ticket sales, advertising, new luxury suites, a Super Bowl, and of course whatever they develop on the surrounding land. And, that’s just a few of the many ways they’ll make millions of dollars – off of you. Yup. You, the fan, are the cash cow. You keep buying Chargers gear, tickets, cards, or support their sponsors, and they get it all. Sure, the players get a lot of that money, but that’s one of the reasons they’re playing in the first place.
Now the Chargers want you (and those who don’t even care about football) to help foot the bill for that new stadium. They want to tax the common person so they can make more money. We’re idiots. Not to mention that watching the Chargers the last five seasons has felt more like a chore than a good time, they’re now asking us to pay for that “privilege” from home.
Yesterday Scott Kaplan and Nick Canepa got into a fight over something that has to do with the Chargers; I don’t know exactly what any of it was about because an old man on the radio who clearly still digs Smashmouth was arguing with another old man who writes for something called a newspaper. It’s like your uncle and your dad fighting through pager code. I have no interest in figuring it out, HOWEVER, it is a step in the right direction. Why? Because, finally the media in this town is starting to back away from the Chargers teat. They’re starting to form their own opinions and then get mad at each other. It’s refreshing, it’s real, and it’s one of the few times they’ve reflected the people’s views.
The media needs the Chargers because it makes them a lot more money. They’ve been tiptoeing around hard questions, and real opinions, as to not offend anyone in the organization. They can’t say too much, cause if the Chargers do stay, Antonio Gates might not come on the afternoon show with the straight talkin’, everyman DJs. But, once the media turns on you, it’s hard to get back in the city’s good graces. (SEE: Terry Francona and Boston)
Now, it’s old media finally stepping up to what new media has been yelling about all along. San Diego is getting a raw deal and being treated like shit by a bunch of wealthy people who do not care about where they make their money. If they did care…they could put an end to it all.
People don’t know why they want the Chargers to stay, they just do. It’s not fun to lose something that you felt was a huge part of your life, but at some point you have realize it’s all futile. It’s not about us. It never was. But, the owners and media and city officials, all the people who stand to make a good deal of money off of this want you to believe it is. They’re playing your heart-strings, just like killing off Dr. McDreamy five seasons after anyone cared. They need you to feel something because if you don’t they have to start all over again somewhere else. And, that costs more money. The rich begging the poor to make them more rich, or they’ll take their rich stuff and leave. Well, I say go. I’ll take being embarrassed, or being sad, or being forced to root for another team over spending one more dollar on an organization that is acting like I did in third grade about my GameBoy.
Bring on the Gulls.
For more expert sports stuff, and things you probably won’t care about, follow me on Twitter @dallas_mc