The Padres Suck?

Listen. Can you hear that? It’s the sound of hundreds, if not thousands of Padres fans telling each other just how much the Friars suck this year. “They’re terrible!” “They can’t play defense!” “They’re a bunch of old has-beens!” “They’re all young nobodies!” “I can’t stand to watch this team strand another baserunner!” These frustrated […]

TKF Pod #18: Injuries and Deflategate

This week Dallas was sick so Nick and Travis go one on one and talk about the bizarre night of injuries that hit the Padres, the inherent demise of the 2015 season, and how the month of September should be dedicated to seeing new faces from the farm system. Then Nick sits down with his […]

Padres V. Reds: A Series of Learning

During last weekend’s Pads/Reds series I reached out to my old friend Lance Arthur Smith. Lance is a die-hard Padres fan who, along with me, shares some fan loyalty with the “great” state of Ohio. However, we end up learning a lot of things about each other we didn’t know…and that no one really cares […]

The Kept Faith’s Podcast: Ep. 2

Nick, Dallas, and Travis talk the arrival of Austin Hedges, Phillip Rivers at a Clippers game, the firing of Bill Simmons, and the sale of UT-San Diego. Check it out and subscribe! Download Ep. 2 here! Also, here is the Save Our Boltz video:  

Starting With James

On opening day, the Padres will play the Dodgers in LA. Matt Kemp will step to the plate wearing a San Diego uniform and the crowd will -in all likelihood – give him a standing ovation. Then, in the bottom of the first, James Shields will throw his first pitch as a Padre to Derek […]