The Triumphant Return of the (Now Infamous) Padres Twitter Follow List

Here’s the fifth annual edition (Five years? I’ve been doing this piece every year for FIVE YEARS now? That’s an eternity in blogging years.) of my must follow list for Padres Twitter. The Kept Faith asked me to bring back an updated version of this and I didn’t say no. What does that say about me? I don’t know, but you people keep coming back. So I keep going. And Twitter refuses to die.

From the official accounts to the bought-off, corrupted, clique blogs & podcasts, they’re (almost) all here. I’ve dropped the Miscellaneous category, as all it did was cause bitterness and jealousy from those who weren’t on the list towards those that were. Because ain’t nobody got time for that.

Grouped by category but in pretty much no particular order otherwise.

Padres Organization

Padres Minor League Affiliates

Current Padres Players

Former Padres Players




  • berniewilson – San Diego’s Associated Press sports writer, ultimate bro, and always The Woirst

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